Master of Arts in Creative Media (MACM)
To investigate the most significant artistic, professional, and socially relevant aspects of contemporary mediated expression.
Mode of Study Full Time / Part Time |
Normal Study Period 1 / 2 years |
The Degree
The Master of Arts in Creative Media (MACM) is designed to cultivate the next generation of cultural innovators. Grounded in the humanities, it combines aesthetic, theoretical, and technological expertise to equip students for leadership roles in the dynamic world of new media and creative industries. This programme asserts that a strong foundation in media theory and aesthetics, philosophy, and cultural studies is crucial for developing the critical mindset required for a successful career in creative media.
Theoretical depth: This programme is grounded in a variety of theoretical approaches:
- Foundational and Theoretical Frameworks (Philosophy of Technology, Media Ecology, Media Archaeology, Cultural Studies)
- Media Theory and Aesthetics (Critical New Media Studies, Digital Aesthetics, New Media Art Theory, Sound Art)
- Contemporary Media and Culture (Influencer Studies, Curatorial Practices, Queer Technology Theories)
- Specific Media Forms and Industries (Film Studies, New Cinema, Video Game Studies, Media Economics)
Practical Applications: MACM focuses on digital curation, content creation, social media platforms, video games and interactive media, collective intelligence, media collectives, influencer ecologies, creative entrepreneurship, participatory culture, AI, media activism, digital labor, global media corporations, big data analytics, and cultural analytics.
Please click here for the details of the programme in the University's Admission Information.
Period of Study
NormalFull Time: 1 year ; Part-time: 2 years |
MaximumFull Time: 2.5 years ; Part-time/Combined mode: 5 years |
Programme LeaderProf Damien CHARRIERASASSOCIATE PROFESSOR BA (Lyon Institute of Political Studies) |
Deputy Programme LeaderProf Dino Ge ZHANGASSISTANT PROFESSOR BA (University of Melbourne) |
Programme Structure
The Master of Arts in Creative Media (MACM) programme consists of 30 credit units, which includes 12 credit units of core courses and 18 credit units of elective courses.
The Master of Arts in Creative Media is structured around three streams. MACM students will join one of the three streams:
- Technofutures: Theory and Culture Stream
- Influencer Studies Stream
- Expanded Curation Stream
Stream Core Courses | 12 credit units |
(1) Technofutures: Theory and Culture Stream, or | |
(2) Influencer Studies Stream, or | |
(3) Expanded Curation Stream | |
Elective Courses |
18 credit units |
Total | 30 credit units |
The elective courses are structured around three concentrations. Students can take courses from any concentration to fulfill the elective requirement.
1. New Media Arts and Aesthetics
This includes several courses which provide a deep understanding of contemporary approaches to arts rooted in our School's tradition and expertise in avant-garde, experimental and neonarrative New Media Arts.
2. Critical Theories for Arts and Technology
This proposes several courses of advanced studies in contemporary thought and in new media theory in which our School has developed a strong international presence. This block allows our students to be part of the most recent intellectual debates in Western/non-Western contemporary philosophies.
3. Interventions in Media Cultures
This fosters students’ capacity to intervene in the social, mediatic, regulatory, urban environment. This concentration takes advantage of the strong integration of our School in its cultural, artistic and economic regional context.
Curriculum for Prospective Students
For students admitted in 2024 and before, click here for the curriculum of your cohort to learn more about the graduation requirements.
MACM aims to give an intellectual and practical formation to future professionals in the creative industries sectors, including:
• Social media and art collectives
• Art and museum institutions
• Performing arts organizations
• Research institutes
• Private and public cultural institutions
• Tech companies
• Specialized media outlets
• Creative agencies
Advanced Studies: MACM provides a strong foundation for doctoral research.
MACM 2007 Serial Social Entrepreneur, Producer and Professional Speaker |
Dr Winnie SOON
MACM 2008 Associate Professor, School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University |
Eugene ZHANG
MACM 2015 Documentary Director, Photographer |
Dr SUN Yini
MACM 2012 Lecturer, School of Journalism & Communication, Huaqiao University
Enquiry on Programmes:
Enquiry on Admissions: