
Non-JUPAS (Local Applicants)

Depending on applicants' entry qualifications, they may apply for admission to first-year studies (1041/1042/1043/1044) or admission with Advanced Standing (1456A/1468A/1471A) for an SCM degree.

  • Associate Degree/Higher Diploma or Equivalent
  • 13-year School-leaving qualification (Including IB Diploma & GCEAL qualification)
  • 12-year School-leaving qualification/partially completed sub-degree qualification
  • Associate Degree/Higher Diploma or Equivalent
  • 4-year Programme  
  • Advanced Standing Programmes (2-3 years’ studies)  
  • School of Creative Media
  • Bachelor of Arts in
    Creative Media
  • Bachelor of Science in
    Creative Media
  • Bachelor of Arts and
    Science in New Media
  • Free choice of the following 3 majors after the first-year’s study
  • Bachelor of Arts in
    Creative Media
  • Bachelor of Science in
    Creative Media
  • Bachelor of Arts and
    Science in New Media
  • Associate Degree/Higher Diploma or Equivalent
  • 4-year Programme  
  • Advanced Standing Programmes (2-3 years’ studies)  
  • Bachelor of Arts in
    Creative Media
  • Bachelor of Science in
    Creative Media
  • Bachelor of Arts and
    Science in New Media
  • 13-year School-leaving qualification
    (Including IB Diploma & GCEAL qualification)
  • 4-year Programme  
  • Advanced Standing Programmes (2-3 years’ studies)  
  • School of Creative Media
  • Bachelor of Arts in
    Creative Media
  • Bachelor of Science in
    Creative Media
  • Bachelor of Arts and
    Science in New Media
  • Free choice of the following 3 majors after the first-year’s study
  • Bachelor of Arts in
    Creative Media
  • Bachelor of Science in
    Creative Media
  • Bachelor of Arts and
    Science in New Media
  • 13-year School-leaving qualification
    (Including IB Diploma & GCEAL qualification)
  • 4-year Programme  
  • Advanced Standing Programmes (2-3 years’ studies)  
  • Bachelor of Arts in
    Creative Media
  • Bachelor of Science in
    Creative Media
  • Bachelor of Arts and
    Science in New Media
  • 12-year School-leaving qualification/
    partially completed sub-degree qualification
  • 4-year Programme
  • School of Creative Media
  • Bachelor of Arts in
    Creative Media
  • Bachelor of Science in
    Creative Media
  • Bachelor of Arts and
    Science in New Media
  • Free choice of the following 3 majors after the first-year’s study
  • Bachelor of Arts in
    Creative Media
  • Bachelor of Science in
    Creative Media
  • Bachelor of Arts and
    Science in New Media




Bachelor's Degree Programmes

Portfolio Submission

Instructions on Portfolio Submission for Non-JUPAS Applicants of SCM:

View Details

Different People sharing their tips/experience on preparing creative portfolios:

View Videos


Important dates

26 Sep 2024 - 15 Jan 2025 

Application Period

6 - 15 Feb 2025 

Portfolio Submission Period
Direct Local Applicants applying for SCM programmes are highly recommended to submit their portfolios to SCM through the On-line Portfolio Submission System during the specified portfolio submission period.

Mid-March 2025

Admissions Interview (for local Direct Applicants only)


Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs for Hybrid Admission Model


If I apply for more than one programme, how many portfolio should I submit?

You are highly recommended to submit only one portfolio even applying for more than one SCM programme.

I am going to apply for SCM programmes via Direct Applications. Under the Hybrid Admission Model, which SCM programmes should I choose?

Depending on applicants' entry qualifications, they may apply for admission to first-year studies or admission with Advanced Standing for an SCM degree programme.

Qualification First-year studies
Advanced Standing programmes
12-year school-leaving qualification or a partially completed sub-degree qualification
13-year school-leaving qualification [including an IB Diploma and GCEAL qualification]

Associate Degree/Higher Diploma or equivalent qualification

ASII admission (for local students only)


What is the difference between School-based Admission and Major-based Admission?

Under School-based Admission or Major-based Admission, students will be studying a 4-year bachelor's degree programme.

If you are successfully admitted to School-based admission, you will be studying a broad range of School core courses and Gateway Education (GE) courses during your first year of study. Students need to declare their majors towards the end of first year and will have a free choice of majors after completing one year of study.

Or, if you are successfully admitted to Major-based admission, you will be studying your major directly in your first-year studies.

Is there any advantage if I am admitted to School-Based Admission?

Applicants admitted to School-Based Admission will be studying with an undeclared major during their first year. They will enjoy a free choice of major after completing their first year of study at SCM. Therefore, students can explore the three SCM majors through the first-year studies and student advising before declaring their majors.


Common FAQs for Undergraduate Degree Applicants

Am I eligible to apply for admissions to the School of Creative Media or Individual Majors?

Please refer to Admissions Office website for the entrance requirements.

How can I apply for admission to SCM Degrees?

For non-JUPAS (i.e. direct) applicants, please submit applications via CityUHK on-line admission system (see CityUHK home page). CityUHK application period for direct applicants tentatively runs from late September to early January of the following year.

Where can I find more information about SCM Degrees?

Please visit the SCM website at

If I have questions about admissions, whom should I ask?


FAQs for Direct Applicants (IVE / AD / HKALE / Non Local Qualification / Local International School Applicants / Mainland NUEE and Non- NUEE Applicants)

What is the percentage of non-JUPAS entrants to your undergraduate programmes?

About 20% of our intake quota is allocated for non-JUPAS applicants who apply for School-based Admission and Advanced Standing I (ASI) Admission. The quota for Advanced Standing II (ASII) Admission is more than 60 for the three Majors. The figure may vary slightly by year and by programme depending on the applicants’ academic results in the same year of admission. Strong emphasis has been placed on the creativity of applicants.

What are the minimum entrance requirements for direct applicants?

My AD/HD is not related to creative media discipline. Can I apply?

The School welcomes applicants from various educational background. AD/HD not relating to the discipline of SCM may only fall into the route of Advanced Standing I.

I am a Year 1 student of an/a AD/HD programme, am I eligible for Advanced Standing I/II admission to BACM (1456A) / BScCM (1468A) / BAS (1471A)?

An applicant possessing the highest qualification of one year’s study in an/a AD/HD programme with a CGPA of 3.0 or above (or equivalent overall mark) is eligible to apply for 4-year degree programme only, i.e. 1041 / 1042 / 1043 / 1044. For details, please visit:

Do I need to submit portfolio?

Yes, all direct applicants are highly recommended to submit a portfolio. Direct applicants are required to submit ONE portfolio only even applying for more than one SCM programme. See Important Dates and Instruction on Portfolio Submission for details.

Do I need to attend admission interview?


FAQs for Portfolio Submission

Any restriction on the content of the portfolio? Can I include indecent content (e.g. Category III materials according to the HK Film Classification System)?

There is no restriction on the content of the portfolio. All applicants should provide an explanation on the material they put into their portfolios.

I have many creative projects which cannot be condensed into 10 pages. What should I do?

Be selective and choose the best works that represent you. Excessive pages may not be reviewed by the panel. Please also refer to the instructions on portfolio submission for details. 

How do I put my works such as video, audio, games or programming inside a PDF?

Audio/video contents must be uploaded to on-line video sharing web sites such as YouTube, Vimeo. A maximum of 5 hyperlinks are permitted in the PDF file. Please ensure all the hyperlinks can be accessed by the public. SCM will review only your PDF file submitted on the online portfolio system. Please also refer to the instructions on portfolio submission for details. 

My creative works e.g. screenplay/scripts, story board, video, science project, etc. are produced in Chinese (or use Cantonese for the narration). What should I do?

Portfolio should be prepared in English. In case your works are in other non-English languages, you should supplement your portfolio with, whichever appropriate, English sub-title, caption, abstract, etc. to facilitate the review by SCM. Please also refer to the instructions on portfolio submission for details. 

My video works are more than 5 minutes long. Can I submit the full video instead of re-edit them?

SCM reserves the right of NOT reviewing the contents beyond the first 5 minutes of the hyperlinked audio/video files. However, online platforms like Youtube/Vimeo provide tools for users to start playing a video at specific timecode. Please also refer to the instructions on portfolio submission for details. 

My creative works are related to one medium (e.g. programming) only. Is that ok?

Yes. The aim of the portfolio is to demonstrate your creativity and you can present your works via one medium or more.

Some of my creative works are group projects. Can I put them into my portfolio?

Yes. You should indicate the number of members involved in the project, the position and percentage of your workload for the project. Please also refer to the instructions on portfolio submission for details. 

If I am not satisfied with my submitted portfolio, can I re-submit another one through the System?

Yes, you can. Please do so before the specified portfolio submission deadline. The System will, at any time, retain the latest uploaded portfolio only. The obsolete ones are instantly removed from the System. Please ensure you have uploaded the correct file by checking the link given in the System after the uploading. Please also refer to the instructions on portfolio submission for details. 

Is there any tips in preparing a portfolio?

Please refer to the SCM’s website for short videos on experience/tips in preparing a portfolio. 

How to compress a PDF file?

You might use various PDF reader/editor to compress your PDF file, for example, Adobe Acrobat, Nitro, PDFelement and etc. You may use keywords such as “online PDF compressor” or “compress PDF” for searching the online freeware. Please remember to reduce the file size to 8MB or less.

For more FAQ, please visit


Requests for Admissions Talks and Visits to School of Creative Media :

The School of Creative Media welcomes students of secondary schools, international schools and post-secondary institutions to visit the School to know more about our programmes and facilities.



Local secondary school administrator or careers master /
Local post-secondary institutions (such as IVEs, community colleges that offer HD/AD programmes) course leaders or administrators

For admissions talks held in secondary school, please contact Admissions Office (ADMO) of CityUHK.
For programme talk / facilities tour , please  fill in the online request form.


Programme Leaflet

English 繁體中文 




Admissions Applications