Visiting Assistant Professor

ZHANG, Ge Dino 張舸

3442 6022 M7076
  • Livestreaming Media
  • Game studies
  • Digital Ethnography
  • Platform Studies
  • Video Art
  • Ethnographic Documentary
  • Sensory Ethnography


Dino ge Zhang is a media anthropologist and non-fiction writer. Grounded in long-term ethnographic work in a multitude of fieldsites and medium-specific digital methods, his current research primarily focuses on socio-technics, aesthetics, and affective ecologies of contemporary streaming media/platforms in the Sinophone world.

His recent works include co-editing a special issue on livestreaming studies in Asiascape: Digital Asia, a non-fiction title (UN)LOCKED: Memories of Wuhan published by Scale, and a translated volume of Esports scholarship The Global Esports Reader forthcoming by East China Normal University. His essays have appeared in Visual Studies, SFRA Review, Verge: Studies in Global Asias, China Perspectives, Convergence, and Games and Culture, among others.

He holds a PhD from the Digital Ethnography Research Centre at RMIT, an MPhil from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and a BA from the University of Melbourne. Previously he worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Zhejiang University, and a teaching fellow at Monash.