18th SIG Playful Media Showcase 2024


Organised by the students of the Special Interest Group (SIG) mainly from SCM undergraduate programmes, "Playful Media Showcase" aims to provide a platform for students who are earnest, creative and passionate about media art and digital entertainment, to present their creative works to the general public.

14 Jun 24 Jun 2024
11:00 am - 7:00 pm
[Exhibition] Singing Waves Gallery (M3301), [Animation Screening] Shun Hing Theatre (M3390), L3, Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre (CMC), CityUHK
Free Admission. Pre-registration is required for access to campus (for visitors who are not CityUHK students, staff or members)
SIG Playful Media Showcase 2024 poster

Date: 14 June 2024 (Friday)

Time: 2:00 pm

Venue: Multimedia Theatre (M1060), L1, CMC


Creating Delightful User Experiences

Date: 14 June 2024 (Friday)

Time: 3:30 pm

Venue: Screening Theatre (M1052), L1, CMC


Developing an Art Career

Date: 14 June 2024 (Friday)

Time: 4:45 pm

Venue: Screening Theatre (M1052), L1, CMC


Visitor Registration (by 5:30 pm at least 2 working days before your visit): https://forms.gle/ueybAWpFfJ76oN9s7


Creating Delightful User Experiences

Playfulness is a mindset whereby people approach everyday activities with a frivolous, purposeless, and frisky attitude—as something not serious, with neither a clear goal nor real-world consequences. Playful experiences are realized when people take a playful approach to activities or how they look at the world. Over the past decade, we have been trying to understand how playfulness can be employed in creating meaningful and memorable experiences for users. Playfulness is an important but often neglected design quality for all kinds of products. Features that make games and play engaging can also make other kinds of products more enjoyable, elicit more meaningful experiences from them, and ultimately increase the quality of the overall user experience and, respectively, the market value of a product. In this lecture, I will discuss theoretical and empirical efforts aimed at understanding, designing, and evaluating playful experiences.


Andrés Lucero is a jointly appointed Associate Professor of Interaction Design (IxD) in the Departments of Art & Media and Design at Aalto University in Finland. He has a background in visual communication design (diploma) from Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana (UTEM) in Chile, a Professional Doctorate in Engineering (PDEng) in User-System Interaction, and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Human-Computer Interaction, both from Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in the Netherlands. His work focuses on the design and evaluation of novel interaction techniques for mobile devices and other interactive surfaces, which has been published in over 100 scientific peer-reviewed publications. His research interests include human-computer interaction (HCI), design, and play. Before joining Aalto University, he was a Senior User Experience (UX) Researcher at Nokia, and Associate Professor of Interaction Design at the University of Southern Denmark. He is currently a distinguished speaker at the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Link: https://speakers.acm.org/lectures/13646


Developing an Art Career

Embarking on an art career often feels like a journey filled with challenges, where perseverance is critical. In Mak2’s experience, breaking into the art world required determination and resilience, traits many in the field echoed. In "Developing an Art Career," Mak2 reflects on how her encounters within the art community have influenced her creative path. Sharing personal anecdotes and lessons learned, Mak2 offers insights into the transformative journey from a student to where she is today. Join her as she recounts the highs, lows, and invaluable experiences shaping her artistic trajectory.


(Credit to DE SARTHE Gallery) Mak2 was born in 1989 in Hong Kong, China. She received her Bachelor of Arts from the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong in 2013. Her practice contemplates 21st-century issues through the study of philosophy, art history, culture, shifting socio-political environments, the Internet, and new technology. The aesthetic experience she crafts is bound by the dualism of humor and intense inquisitiveness. She creates installations, paintings, drawings, video work, YouTube videos, stand-up comedy routines, and Instagram filters.

Mak2 is well known for her iconic triptych on canvas series "Home Sweet Home" (2019-) as well as conceptual installations such as "You Better Watch Out" (2017), which was included in an exhibition presented by MoMA PS1 and K11 Art Foundation and "Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy" (2024), a 7.5-meter-tall artwork created for Encounters at Art Basel Hong Kong.

Mak2 lives and works in Hong Kong.


1. All visitors entering the University Campus must be pre-registered via the University's Visitor Registration System (VRS). The VRS can be accessed via Office Admin under AIMS by departmental staff who have the VRS access privilege.

2. Once the visitor's information has been submitted via the VRS, an email attached with a specific QR code from the "CityU-Visitor Registration System" will be sent to the visitor.  The visitor must show the QR code and may need to present his/her personal ID to the security staff at the campus entrance on the day of the visit. After confirmation, the visitor will be given a label which is valid for the day.

3. For guests who haven’t received the above email with the QR code, please check your spam or junk email folder in case the email has been accidentally marked as spam.

4. One single email address cannot be shared with multiple visitors for registration on the same day.

5. Please refer to the Personal Information Collection Statement (PICS) for Visitor Registration System on our university's webpage: https://www.cityu.edu.hk/fmo/download/Personal%20Information%20Collection%20Statement_VRS.pdf

6. For visits on Saturdays, Sundays, or public holidays, please online register at least 2 working days before your visit by 5 pm.

7. No eating or drinking inside the venue.

8. The Presenter reserves the right to amend the visit requirements without prior notice and refuses any person from entering the venue. In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of this statement, the English version shall prevail.


1. 所有訪客必須透過有登記權限的部門員工,經城大的訪客登記系統(VRS)預先登記進入校園。

2. 成功登記者,一封附有特定QR碼的電子郵件會由「CityU-Visitor Registration System」發送給來訪者。訪客必須在探訪當天向校園出入口的保安人員出示二維碼並可能須出示個人身份證件。經確認後,訪客將獲得一個當日有效的標貼進入校園。

3. 若 閣下沒有收到上述帶有二維碼的郵件,請檢查你的垃圾郵件文件夾,以防郵件被送到那裏而不是你的收件箱。

4. 登記者不能使用相同的電郵地址為多於一位訪客登記同日參加。

5. 有關訪客登記系統的個人資料收集聲明(PICS)詳情,請參閱 https://www.cityu.edu.hk/fmo/download/Personal%20Information%20Collection%20Statement_VRS.pdf  (只設英文版本) 。

6. 如要在周六、周日或公眾假期參觀,請於到訪日前至少2個工作天的下午5時前網上登記預約。

7. 會場內禁止飲食。

8. 主辦者保留隨時修改參觀要求及拒絕任何人士進入會場的權利。倘本聲明的英文本與中文本有任何差異的地方,則以英文本為準。