Weaving Spot - MFA Graduation and Student Show 2024


"Weaving Spot" encompasses the 2024 MFA Graduation Show and Student Show. More than 60 artists incorporate their personal experiences and perceptions into their work, exploring the fusion of the visual and the cognitive. We invite you to meander through this multi-dimensional space, engaging with our thoughts, conversing through form and harmonising with intellectual exploration.

19 Apr 28 Apr 2024
[Opening Ceremony] 19/04/2024, 6:30 pm
[Exhibitions] 20-28/04/2024, 11:00 am - 6:00 pm daily
[Film and Animation Preview] 20-21/04/2024, 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
[Special Screening and Installation] 25-28/04/2024. 11:00 am - 6:00 pm
Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre, City University of Hong Kong
Free admission. Pre-registration is required in advance.
Opening Night 開幕典禮

Date 日期: 19/04/2024

Time 時間: 18:30 - 19:30

Venue 地點: Multimedia Theatre (M1060), L1 多媒體劇院

RSVP before 18/04/2024: https://forms.gle/BrQrc4ujG2DWNuzC8

Exhibitions 展覽

Date 日期: 20/04 - 28/04/2024

Time 時間: 11:00 - 18:00 daily 每日

Graduation Show Venue 畢業生作品展地點: Singing Waves Gallery (M3301), L3 樓濤聲畫廊

Student Show Venue 學生作品展地點: M9001, L9 樓

Game Space: M3351, L3 樓

Film & Animation Preview  電影及動畫試映

Date 日期: 20-21/04/2024 (Weekends 星期六及日)

Time 時間: 12:00 - 14:00

Venue 地點: Future Cinema Studio (M6094), L6 樓未來電影工作室

Total duration is approx. 98 minutes. All works are with English subtitles. 節目全長約 98 分鐘。所有作品均設英文字幕。

By invitation only. 憑柬入場

Special Screening and Installation 特別放映 + 裝置

Film 短片放映:We just happen to be here 幽會

Installation 裝置:Enigmatic Serenity 幽微綺境

Artist 藝術家: Green MOK 莫育權

Date 日期: 25/04 - 28/04/2024

Time 時間: 11:00 - 18:00 daily 每日

Venue地點: Multimedia Theatre (M1060), L1 多媒體劇院

The film will be played in loop. Total duration is approx. 39 minutes with Chinese and English subtitles. 短片會作循環播放,片長約 39 分鐘,設中英文字幕。

By invitation only. 憑柬入場


All CityUHK students and staff, peers in art and creative media education and industry professionals are invited to attend the Preview. 歡迎校內師生職員, 藝術及創意媒體教育及業界友好參與試映。

Online registration for the above programmes is required in advance. 上述節目須網上預約參觀。

Please click HERE for pre-registration. 請按此網上預訂。

There is no online registration service on Saturday and Sunday. Please reserve in advance.  星期六及日不設登記服務,請提前預約。

Curatorial Statement 策展導言

"Weaving Spot," the MFA Class of 2024's annual exhibition, showcases the creative endeavors of over 60 artists from a wide spectrum of cultural and interdisciplinary backgrounds, resulting in a breadth of creative works, from video and animation to interactive exhibits and three-dimensional sculptures.

This is our vision of creativity and intellect, where dots, lines and planes converge to form an immersive realm of perception. The exhibiting artists have created works that reflect lived experiences and personal insights, examining the fusion of the visual and the cognitive. Each work is a manifestation of the artist's unique outlook and interpretation of reality. Within this space, the confluence of these myriad viewpoints offers a tapestry of perspectives that converge into a collective understanding and sensory experience.

We invite you to meander through this multi-dimensional space, engaging with our thoughts, conversing through form and harmonising with intellectual exploration.





Participating Artists 參與藝術家
Graduating Year 畢業生:

Yutong DAI 代雨桐, Chunlei GONG 龔春蕾, Zhixin HE 何芷忻, Jiawei HUANG 黃佳偉, Yuanhong HUANG 黃遠虹, Yiyi LIU 柳依依, Ruiling LIU 劉瑞玲, Xinyan LI 李心言, Zixian LI 李子贤, Chenyu LIN 林晨瑜, Isabella Candice LAM 林樂騫, Green MOK 莫育權, NG Tak Tsung Karl 吳德淞, Lixi PAN 潘理曦, Yulu QIN 秦雨露, Ian TANG 鄧一言, Leihan TANG 唐蕾涵, Shuting TANG 湯舒婷, Chuyi WANG 王楚怡, YINUO WANG 王一諾, Yufei WANG 王雨菲, Ruishan WU 吳蕊杉, Ying XIE 謝盈, Haoran YANG 楊浩然, Yuan YUAN 苑媛, Manning ZHANG 張曼凝, Hui ZHONG 鍾輝, Mengxian ZHOU 周夢嫻, Xinyu ZHUANG 庄欣雨

First Year 一年級生:

Yuxuan BAI 白宇軒, Bhavisha Hemnani, CHAN Kei Ching Eunice 陳紀晴, Boyu CHEN 陳柏羽, Li CHEN 陳力, CHEONG Chung Yan Timothy 莊頌恩, Zerong GUO 郭澤融, Simai HUANG 黃思邁, Yifei HUANG 黄奕菲, Jilin JIANG 蔣季林, Ye JIANG 姜燁, KAN Yi Shin 簡以誠, Jiahao LI 李嘉豪, Shuyang LI 李舒陽, Yining LIAO 廖怡寧, Yuming LIAO 廖裕明, Yuxin LIN 林雨歆, Yuxin LIU 劉雨歆, Yiwen LIU 劉毅雯, Jiexin LYU 呂潔新, Macha Nourry, Shijia OUYANG 歐陽詩佳, Zhiyuan PENG 彭致遠, Chen QIAN 錢忱, Yujia QIN 覃禹嘉, Aiying SUN 孫藹盈, Mengtian SUN 孫夢天, Yuze TIAN 田雨澤, WONG Pak Hang 黃百亨, Shuxin WANG 汪淑欣, Lei WU 吳磊, Zihao XIE 謝梓濠, Veronica YIU 姚嫣琦, You YOU 尤優, Benfan YU 郁奔凡, Jingxian ZHAN 詹景賢, Yifei ZHANG 張藝霏, Xu ZHAO 趙栩, Leying ZHENG 鄭樂瀅, Yingyue ZHUANG 莊穎悅

Film & Animation Preview 電影及動畫試映

Date 日期: 20-21/04/2024

Time 時間: 12:00 - 14:00

Venue 地點: Future Cinema Studio (M6094), L6樓未來電影工作室

Title (Production year) 片名(製作年份) Type 類型 Director 導演 Duration 片長
Pending (2024) Animation Bhavisha Hemnani 3'
花束般的爱情 (2024) MV Zerong GUO 郭澤融 4'
Bla Bla Bla (2024) Experimental Animation Kan Yi Shing 簡以誠 1'30"
Sharing a Body (2024) Animation Macha Nourry 2'
Rambling Tills the Urban Turns Blue (2023) Experimental Film Shuxin WANG 汪淑欣 20'
Paint the Town Red (2024) Experimental Film Shuxin WANG 汪淑欣 10'
Mobius-strip (2023-2024) Animation Jingxian ZHAN 詹景賢 2'30"
HERBIVORE (2024) Abstract Animation Yingyue ZHUANG 莊穎悅 1'41"
愚人 (2023-2024) Animation Chenyu LIN 林晨瑜 2'
Roll (2023-2024) Animation Zixian LI 李子贤 3'
四喜 (2023-2024) Animation Lixi PAN 潘理曦 1'
Invisible woman:raise the voice (2023-2024) Documentary

Yulu QIN & Chunlei GONG

秦雨露 & 龔春蕾

猎巫 (2023-2024) Film Yufei WANG 王雨菲 15'
Season (2023-2024) Animation Ying XIE 謝盈 2'
灵巷 (2023-2024) Film Haoran YANG 楊浩然 13'
DIAMOND (2023-2024) Animation Mengxian ZHOU 周夢嫻 2'

Organized by MFA Show 2024 Organizing Committee

Presented by School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong

Media Partner: art-mate


1. All visitors entering the University Campus must be pre-registered via the University's Visitor Registration System (VRS). The VRS can be accessed via Office Admin under AIMS by departmental staff who has the VRS access privilege.

2. Once the visitor's information has been submitted via the VRS, an email attached with a specific QR code from "CityU-Visitor Registration System" will be sent to the visitor.  The visitor must show the QR code and may need to present his/her personal ID to the security staff at campus entrance on the day of the visit. After confirmation, the visitor will be given a label which is valid for the day.

3. For guests who haven’t received the above email with the QR code, please check your spam or junk email folder in case the email has been accidentally marked as spam.

4. One single email address cannot be shared with multiple visitors for registration on the same day.

5. Please refer to the Personal Information Collection Statement (PICS) for Visitor Registration System on our university's webpage: https://www.cityu.edu.hk/fmo/download/Personal%20Information%20Collection%20Statement_VRS.pdf

6. For visits on Saturdays, Sundays or public holidays, please online register at least 2 working days prior to your visit by 5pm.

7. No eating or drinking inside the venue.

8. The Presenter reserves the right to amend the visit requirements without prior notice and refuses any person from entering the venue. In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of this statement, the English version shall prevail.


1. 所有訪客必須透過有登記權限的部門員工,經城大的訪客登記系統(VRS)預先登記進入校園。

2. 成功登記者,一封附有特定QR碼的電子郵件會由「CityU-Visitor Registration System」發送給來訪者。訪客必須在探訪當天向校園出入口的保安人員出示二維碼並可能須出示個人身份證件。經確認後,訪客將獲得一個當日有效的標貼進入校園。

3. 若 閣下沒有收到上述帶有二維碼的郵件,請檢查你的垃圾郵件文件夾,以防郵件被送到那裏而不是你的收件箱。

4. 登記者不能使用相同的電郵地址為多於一位訪客登記同日參加。

5. 有關訪客登記系統的個人資料收集聲明(PICS)詳情,請參閱 https://www.cityu.edu.hk/fmo/download/Personal%20Information%20Collection%20Statement_VRS.pdf  (只設英文版本) 。

6. 如要在周六、周日或公眾假期參觀,請於到訪日前至少2個工作天的下午5時前網上登記預約。

7. 會場內禁止飲食。

8. 主辦者保留隨時修改參觀要求及拒絕任何人士進入會場的權利。倘本聲明的英文本與中文本有任何差異的地方,則以英文本為準。