FUTURE MEMORIES. Utopia Dystopia Nature 未來的回憶:烏托邦。反烏托邦。大自然
The exhibition "FUTURE MEMORIES. Utopia Dystopia Nature" articulates the changed image of landscape and nature in contemporary art. Triggered by a rethinking of the future challenges in dealing with a nature in transition, 34 inspiring positions of international artists were selected by Dr Harald KRAEMER for an exhibition to be held in Hong Kong in March 2021. Utopian speculations of tomorrow take their place alongside dystopian scenarios. Since the 1960s, our increasingly crisis-ridden planet has inspired artists to create works that show the changing relationship of humans to nature.
09 Mar
06 Apr 2021
Opening: 9 March 2021, 6pm
Exhibition Period: 10 March – 6 April 2021 Exhibition Opening Hours: Monday – Sunday 11am – 6pm Singing Waves Gallery, L3, Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre
Free Admission
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[Updated News as at March 25th, 2021] Online Pre-registration for non-CityU visitors is required. To visit the exhibition between April 2nd and April 6th, 2021, please online register BY March 31st 2021.
The exhibition "FUTURE MEMORIES. Utopia Dystopia Nature" articulates the changed image of landscape and nature in contemporary art. Triggered by a rethinking of the future challenges in dealing with a nature in transition, 34 inspiring positions of international artists were selected by Dr. Harald KRAEMER for an exhibition to be held in Hong Kong in March 2021. Utopian speculations of tomorrow take their place alongside dystopian scenarios. Since the 1960s, our increasingly crisis-ridden planet has inspired artists to create works that show the changing relationship of humans to nature.
The exhibition is designed as a labyrinth and to reach the centre you have to take a utopian or dystopian path where you encounter art works by Bernard AMMERER (AT), BAŞÖZ Sena (TR), Joseph BEUYS (DE), Gernot BUBENIK (DE), Ian Hamilton FINLAY (SC), IP Yuk Yiu (HK), Tobias KLEIN (DE/HK), LAI Cheuk Wah Sarah (HK), Tomás LAURENZO (UY/HK), Robert LETTNER (AT), Joseph LEUNG Mong Sum (HK), LIAO Zenping (TW), LIU Wai Hang Ticko (HK), Edwin LO (HK), Cédric MARIDET (FR/HK), Anders Scrmn MEISNER (DK), Louis NIXON (GB/HK), Matthew NORTHRIDGE (US), Stefan PETERS (BE), Mary Curtis RATCLIFF (US), Elke REINHUBER (DE/HK), Don RITTER (CA), Tanja SELZER (DE), SHUM Kwan Yi Sim (HK), Herbert STAREK (AT), George STEINMANN (CH), Manfred STUMPF (DE), Angela SU (HK), Kat SURYNA (BY/HK), Lawrence WEINER (US), Nicole WONG (HK), Judy YIU (HK), YU Ka Ho Albert (HK) as well as ZHENG Bo (HK).
In cooperation with students of MA Stream Curating Art & Media, FUTURE MEMORIES is accompanied by an extensive supporting programme on site and online with lectures and discussions, readings, film screenings. The catalogue will be published in May 2021.
Official Website : http://www.futurememories.scm.cityu.edu.hk/
Supported by
Goethe Institut Hong Kong
Austrian Consulate General Hong Kong
Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany Hong Kong
lotsremark Projekte, Basel/Hong Kong
地點:邵逸夫創意媒體中心3樓濤聲藝廊 (Singing Waves Gallery)
展覽以迷宮般佈置,觀眾可以通過烏托邦和反烏托邦兩種方式到達該中心。根據選擇的途徑,您會遇到Bernard AMMERER (奥地利)、BAŞÖZ Sena (土耳其) 、Joseph BEUYS (德國) 、Gernot BUBENIK (德國) 、Ian Hamilton FINLAY (塞席爾) 、葉旭耀 (香港) 、Tobias KLEIN (德國/香港) 、黎卓華 (香港) 、Tomás LAURENZO (烏拉圭/香港) 、Robert LETTNER (奧地利) 、梁望琛 (香港) 、廖震平 (台灣) 、廖諱衡 (香港) 、羅潤庭 (香港) 、Cédric MARIDET (法國/香港) 、Anders Scrmn MEISNER (丹麥) 、Louis NIXON (英國/香港) 、Matthew NORTHRIDGE (美國) 、Stefan PETERS (比利時) 、Mary Curtis RATCLIFF (美國) 、Elke REINHUBER (德國/香港) 、Don RITTER (加拿大) 、Tanja SELZER (德國) 、沈君怡 (香港) 、Herbert STAREK (奧地利) 、George STEINMANN (瑞士) 、Manfred STUMPF (德國) 、徐世琪 (香港) 、Kat SURYNA (白俄羅斯/香港) 、Lawrence WEINER (美國) 、王思遨 (香港) 、姚潔琪 (香港) 、余家豪 (香港) 及鄭波 (香港)的作品。
網站 : http://www.futurememories.scm.cityu.edu.hk/
巴塞爾/香港 lotsremark Projekte
Other Programmes:
Performance and Artist Talk with Judy Yiu* (FULL HOUSE)
Date: 26 March 2021 (Friday)
Time: 7:30pm – 8:30pm
Venue: Multimedia Theatre (M1060), L1, Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre
7:00pm - 7:15pm Welcome speech by Prof. Richard William Allen, Dean of School of Creative Media
7:15pm - 7:45pm Performance: NEVER STOP BLOOMING, Judy Yiu & Musician Alvin Chan
7:45pm - 8:45pm Artist Talk "Place in Motion"
Artist Talk's guest speaker: Prof. Anna CY Chan (Dean, The School of Dance, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts)
Moderator: Dr. Harald Kraemer (Curator of exhibition "Future Memories")
Artist Talk will be conducted in English.
Registration link: https://www.eventbrite.hk/e/143717881051
Free admission on a first-come, first-served basis.
Pre-registration is required for social distancing measures reason. Non-CityU staff and students MUST use the QR code sent from CityU's Visitor Registration System for access CMC. The QR code from Eventbrite is not for access the building.
First-come, first-served basis. One registration can only get 1 e-ticket.
Workshop with Judy Yiu*
Date: 27 March 2021 (Saturday)
1pm – 2:30pm Master workshop for CityU and HKAPA students only
3pm – 4pm Family Art Workshop 1 & Kid's Performance SPROUT (For RCHK only)
4:30pm – 5:30pm Family Art Workshop 2 & Kid's Performance SPROUT (welcome for aged>3 to join)
7:30pm – 8pm Kid's Performance SPROUT & NEVER STOP BLOOMING
by Judy Yiu & Alvin Chan
Venue: Multimedia Theatre (M1060), L1, Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre
For details please refer to https://www.judyyiudance.com/place-in-motion
Film and Art Installation: PLACE IN MOTION
Date: 28 March 2021 (Sunday)
Time: 11am – 3pm
Venue: Multimedia Theatre (M1060), L1, Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre
Free Admission.
Registration link: https://forms.gle/Gocrtuvpu1rpxpX2A
Visitor Registration 訪客登記
Registration link 登記連結: https://forms.gle/Gocrtuvpu1rpxpX2A
Online Pre-registration for non-CityU visitors is required. To visit CMC on Saturday or Sunday, please note that you must pre-register 2 working days before the appointment. Online registration will be closed on every Friday 5pm.
The above visitor registration link is for access Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre only.
All visitors entering the university campus must be pre-registered via CityU's Visitor Registration System (VRS). The VRS can be accessed via "Office Admin" under AIMS by departmental staff who has the VRS access privilege. Pre-registration submission will be sent to our staff for register the above VRS.
Once the visitor's information has been submitted via the VRS, an email attached with a specific QR code from "CityU-Visitor Registration System" will be sent to the visitor. The visitor must show the QR code and present his/her personal ID to the security staff at campus entrance on the day of the visit. After confirmation, the visitor will be given a label which is valid for the day.
CityU staff and students don't need to register for visit the exhibition and/or join the events at L3. Please scan your staff or student card at the main entrance for access the venues.
Temperature scanning at campus entrance and facemasks are mandatory for all admitted visitors, staff and students. Special arrangements will be implemented in line with the latest restrictions under the Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance.
The event schedule may be subject to change. Please check our website and social media for latest updates.
所有進入大學校園的訪客必須通過城大的訪客登記系統(VRS)進行預先登記。有關訪客登記系統的個人資料收集聲明(PICS)詳情,請點擊這裡 (有關系統之個人信息收集聲明只設英文版本)。有VRS登記權限的部門員工可以通過大學AIMS下的「Office Admin」為已預約了的訪客進行登記。