Save The Date – Performances By Choy Ka Fai+Rianto And Eisa Jocson

26 Jul 2014
Multimedia Theatre (M1060), L1, Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre
Save The Date – Performances By Choy Ka Fai+Rianto And Eisa Jocson

Date :

2014.07.26 (Saturday)

Location :

Multimedia Theatre (M1060), L1, Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre

Time :


Free Admission on a first-come, first-served basis.
Running time: approximately 2 hours with one interval.
Co-organized by School of Creative Media and Para Site


Save The Date – Performances By Choy Ka Fai+Rianto And Eisa Jocson

Performed for the first time in Hong Kong, SoftMachine: Riantoand Macho Dancer look into the traditions of historical and contemporary erotic dance genres.

A collaboration between Singaporean artist Choy Ka Fai and Indonesian dancer Rianto, SoftMachine: Rianto is a performance departing from Rianto’s original specialization in an erotic version of the traditional Javanese dance genre ‘Lengger.’ Through his mastery of the cross-gender dance repertoire, he explores the tensions between the traditional and the contemporary, the masculine and the feminine, as well as the urban and the rural. 

In Macho Dancer, Jocson crosses gender boundaries by performing a dance usually reserved for young men in Philippine nightclubs catering both to a male and a female clientele. Given its specific movement vocabulary and physicality, Macho Dancing is an economically motivated language of seduction, using notions of masculinity as body capital. Jocson’s transcendence of gender specificity challenges the audience’s perception of sexuality and questions the use of one’s body as a tool for social mobility.

Choy Ka Fai is an artist, performance maker and speculative designer. He is inspired by the histories and theorisations that together contain the uncertainties of the future. His research springs from a desire to understand the conditioning of the human body, its intangible memories and the forces shaping its expressions. These factors converge into complex articulations at the intersection of art, design and technology. Choy graduated in Design Interaction from the Royal College of Art London and was conferred the Singapore Young Artist Award in 2010. 

Rianto is a dancer from Banyumas, Indonesia who specializes in the erotic version of ‘Lengger,’ while being equally versatile in other Javanese traditional dance forms. He also performs and collaborates with many contemporary choreographers. Since moving to Tokyo in 2003, Rianto has developed different choreographic practices, deriving and departing from his traditional beginnings. 

Eisa Jocson is a contemporary choreographer and dancer from the Philippines. Trained as a visual artist and with a background in ballet, she won her first pole-dancing competition in Manila in 2010, and started pole ‘tagging’ and other public interventions in New York and various cities. Her solo performance ‘Death of the Pole Dancer’ (commissioned by In Transit Festival 2011 in Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin) toured to Beursschouwburg (Brussels), Theater Spektakel festival (Zurich, Switzerland), Tanzquartier Wien (Vienna), and Exodos Festival (Ljubljana).

This performance programme is part of the exhibition Ten Thousand Rooms of Yearning. Sex in Hong Kong

Para Site is Hong Kong's leading contemporary art space and one of the oldest and most active independent art centres in Asia. It produces exhibitions, publications and discursive projects aimed at forging a critical understanding of local and international phenomena in art and society.

Enquiry: +852 2517 4620

現場展演:Choy Ka Fai 徐家輝+Rianto 與 Eisa Jocson

日期 / 時間: 2014年7月26日(星期六)晚上7時正
地點: 九龍塘達之路18號香港城市大學邵逸夫創意媒體中心地下多媒體劇場(M1060)
演出長約2小時, 包括一節中場休息

行為藝術作品「SoftMachine: Rianto」及「Macho Dancer」首次於香港演出,討論古今當代不同艷舞流派的傳統。

作品「 SoftMachine: Rianto」由新加坡藝術家徐家輝和印尼舞蹈家Rianto共同協作。Rianto擅長爪哇傳統流派「凌雅」(Lengger)的挑情劇目,是次表演脫胎自此,透過他賴以成名的跨性別舞蹈劇目,探索傳統與當代、雄與雌、城市與鄉郊之間的種種緊張關係。

作品「Macho Dancer」由藝術家Eisa Jocson展演。「Macho」原為菲律賓夜總會的一種陽剛艷舞,年青舞男以此迎合男性及女性客人。藝術家則反其道而行,以女身舞之,跨越性別界限。這種舞蹈有著獨特的動態詞匯,對舞者的體態亦有特別要求:以最簡約的挑情舞姿作餌,純用舞者的陽剛身段為本。Jocson的展演超越了兩性之間的迥異氣質,挑戰觀眾對「性感」的慣性定義,質疑一個人能否用胴體提升自身的社會地位。



Eisa Jocson,菲律賓當代編舞家及舞蹈家。曾受視覺藝術訓練,亦擅芭蕾舞。2010年於馬尼拉贏得其個人首個鋼管舞比賽冠軍,並開始於曼克頓及多個城市開展「塗鴉鋼管」(pole ‘tagging’,以市區塗鴉為背景,在街上即興起舞)和其他公共介入藝術項目。首個個人展演作品「Death of the Pole Dancer」為2011年柏林豪斯世界文化宮In Transit 藝術節委約作品,曾於以下地點巡迴演出:比利時布魯塞爾Beursschouwburg藝術中心、荷蘭蘇黎世Spektakel劇院、維也納Tanzquartier Wien舞蹈院、斯洛文尼亞盧比安納市Exodos藝術節。

是次行為展演節目是專題展覽「熱望之房 - 性與香港」的現場展演節目, 由創意媒體學院及Para Site合辦。

查詢: +852 2517 4620