CUT & SEA 揭視點 - Tobias Klein

16 Dec 2017 22 Apr 2018
Oil Street Art Space, 12 Oil Street, North Point, Hong Kong
CUT & SEA 揭視點 - Tobias Klein

Opening of the installation CUT & SEA at Oi!

Date 日期: 16/12/2017 (Saturday 星期六)
Time 時間: 15:00
Venue 地點: Oil Street Art Space, 12 Oil Street, North Point, Hong Kong 
Exhibition period 展覽日期: 16.12.2017 - 22.4.2018
Organizer 主辦單位: Oil Street Art Space 油街實現
Details & Enquiry 詳情及查詢: 2512 3000

A hundred years ago the space of Oil Street Art Space was located at the shoreline with the sea at the front and mountains at the back. Today, it has been transformed into an art and cultural hub for the general public. The views of the mountains and over the sea are covered by the grown city.

Tobias Klein's work, CUT & SEA, is set in the courtyard of Oi!. Two large interventions, one excavating the ground and the other cutting into the dividing fence, allow us to see the behind, hidden and in-between of this urban space.

The incisions are closed with moving circular steel disks on retractable rails. The viewers can decide to either open or close, to uncover or hide the natures of the city and the new relationship between human being, the cut earth and the revealed sky.


Tobias Klein 的作品《揭視點》會放置在油街實現的庭院。兩個大型的切口,一個把草地挖開和另一個穿透分隔的圍板,讓大家窺探城市空間的背後,隱藏其中的一面。



CUT & SEA - Tobias Klein