Applying digital (VR) and physical environments for human collaborative purposes, enhancing human-machine collaborative work, or inducing emotional responses or rehabilitating human mental illness. This has resulted in work looking at how human-robot interactions change based on seating arrangement, mixed reality approaches to active game play, VR spaces for systematic desensitization therapy approaches in speech therapy, comparison of digital and physical interventions in augmented spaces. On-going projects include Configuration of Space, with Dr. Zhicong Lu (CityU CS) on the way digital spaces like Ohyay uses configurations to change human-human collaboration and drives changes in perception; Virtual Diagnostics, with Dr. Julian Lai (CityU Psyc) on the use of VR games to assess potential fear of intimacy and isolation mental disorders in youth populations; Empathy for Refugee in VR, on active navigation in navigating refugee environments for fostering empathy; Weaved Wearable Sensors for VR, using tangible wearable components for detecting stress and anxiety in the context of VR rehabilitation.

Key publications:

Key personnel:

  • RAY LC, Lina Zhang, Luoying Lin, Zhicong Lu (collab), Julian Lai (collab).