Study machine movement gestures to affect human perception and behavior, using both physical and virtual testing strategies. This has resulted in work investigating perception of robot-robot dynamics during game play, signaling robot personality through appearances like clothing, using robotics to aid self-identification psychologically, investigating multi-robot signalling with observers, prototyping strategies using video and VR for human-robot interaction. On-going projects include Social Rejection in Robot-Robot-Human Interaction, using video and robot arms to study how group dynamics affect interpretation of being rejected by robots; AI as Active Writer, with Dr. Toby Li (Notre Dame) on human perception of collaborative expressive machine writing agent on a digital platform; Presentation of Self in Machine Life on human-machine dance performance through virtual and physical telepresence and expressive gestures of a robot arm; Select on moral responses of digital game characters; Connected Gaze on audience-machine collaboration using interactive gestures in telepresence spaces for performing arts. We would also love to collaborate with Dr. Alvaro Cassinelli on the machine emotional gestures projects.

Key publications:

Key personnel:

  • RAY LC, Hongshen Xu, Zijing Lillian Song, Toby Li (collab).