The Laboratory on Machine Learning for Art + Design (MLAD) is an international research initiative to critically explore applications of new machine learning techniques to the contexts of art and design.

Exploring the semiotics and aesthetics of Machine Learning through the creation of interactive and generative artworks, the MLAD lab investigates the possible convergence of new Machine Learning techniques with traditional art and design contexts. The MLAD represents a unique synthesis of technological innovation, theoretical research, artistic creation, and critical awareness that leads to the creation of a diverse range of tools, publications, and artworks.

The Laboratory on Machine Learning for Art + Design (MLAD) was initiated as part of the Center of Applied Computing and Interactive Media, supported by the School of Creative Media at City University Hong Kong. 

  • To critically explore the aesthetics of Machine Learning through the creation of interactive and generative artworks
  • To contribute to the understanding and transparency of Machine Learning processes (to 'open the black box').
  • To artistically explore machine learning architectures that actively reflect on their social, cultural and political implications.
  • To develop novel ML applications that better facilitate understanding of the relationships between technology and society.
  • To disseminate art/research results in exhibitions, journals and conferences, as well as on a publicly accessible website.